Sunday, May 27, 2007

4 Weeks!

Wow, it's hard to believe the boys were born 4 weeks ago today. Time's already flying by.

We have more pics of Zefram since he's come home that I'll be posting shortly. Liam's got some catching up to do once he comes home.

We're hoping to have a meeting with Liam's doctor tomorrow to discuss his current status and what's next. The latest news is that he has resumed bottle feedings, and his feeds are being regularly increased while he becomes re-accustomed to it. There isn't really any news regarding his heart condition; he's still requiring oxygen to be administered on a regular basis. New news will hopefully be forthcoming also...

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Day Twenty

Liam's out of his isolette again and seems to be doing well enough. Mary got to hold him today (after not really being able to for more than a week), and he looked and sounded a lot like Zefram... I'll be surprised if they turn out to be fraternal twins. Also, his weight is now up to (almost) 5 lbs.

Zefram had a doctor appointment a few days ago, and had a clean bill of health. He's up to 6 lbs, 11 oz now!

The boys turn 3 weeks old tomorrow.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Update on Liam

Last week, we found that Liam's heart condition was more serious than was previously known. He's currently still at McMaster's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, and while we thought he might be coming home today, we've since learned he'll be staying for at least another week; possibly more.

Liam has a cogenital heart defect called Tetralogy of Fallot. As a result, he has to be kept calm at all times, or he risks not getting enough oxygen to his lungs. He will require surgery between 3 and 6 months of age in an attempt to do a total repair of his heart. If he has serious complications before then, he may have minor surgery as a temporary fix, followed by the major surgery once he turns one year old.

We visited Liam today, and were told that he has another problem with his bowels. They're not 100% sure of the exact diagnosis, but they're treating it somewhat preemptively as a precaution. It's not as serious as his heart problem, and should hopefully be cleared up within the next week.

Zefram continues to do well at home, although he sure likes to keep us busy at night. He visited much of the Gerryts clan this past weekend, and grandma has been great in helping us out with him while we visit Liam in the hospital. Thanks grandma! :)

Thursday, May 10, 2007

One Down, One to Go

Zefram came home today, and is doing very well. Unfortunately, Liam is having some problems, possibly due to his heart. We were finally able to speak to a doctor about his condition, which at this point is believed to be relatively mild. However, Liam was transfered back to McMaster today for further investigation, and it isn't known how long he will be there for.

Zefram is enjoying his new digs, although he has spent most of his time here sleeping so far. It's true that all that babies do is sleep, poop, and eat, but thankfully most of the time is spent on the sleeping. :) It's nice to have one of the boys home, but we'll feel much better when all of the back-and-forth between home and the hospital(s) is over.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Coming Home

The twins are scheduled to come home this Thursday, May 10th. Tomorrow they'll do their car seat tests, and then Mary and I will bunk with them at the hospital the following 2 nights to see how things go. Assuming there aren't any problems or concerns, they'll be home in 3 days.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Day Eight

The boys continue to increase their food intake, and they're pooping quite a bit. Mary was fortunate enough to get peed on by Zefram today. Liam's weight is up slightly to 4 lbs, 12 oz, and Zefram is back up to his weight from a few days ago, 5 lbs, 12 oz. Grandma and Grandpa stopped by, as did Chris (who helped feed Zefram). [I've decided now that I'm going to have the boys' names tattooed on their foreheads; until then, I may refer to both of the boys as Lifram. -Matt]

Zefram mocks you

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Week One

Today was the boys' 7th day of freedom from their amniotic prison! They continue to hit milestones every day; today they were moved to a less-critical area of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. We were told that their "next" step was to pass the car seat test (to ensure they can breathe fine in a car seat for 90 minutes straight), but there are other milestones that must still be met (growing by a certain amount each day being a big one). Hopefully tomorrow we'll think to get an update on their weights. Below the 3 pictures are 2 videos of each of the boys "grunting"... they do this fairly often when they're relaxing.

Zefram and Liam side-by-side (picture from Barb and Cindy)



Video of Zefram "grunting"

Video of Liam "grunting"

Friday, May 4, 2007

Day Six

We got a bit more into "regular" things today; we changed diapers and fed and bathed the boys. It's nice that we've gone from looking at them behind plexiglass with tubes in their noses to being able to pick them up out of their cots and feed and walk around and sit with them in less than a week. It's hard to believe they'll need another 2-or-so weeks before they can come home, but we'll see what happens. Apparently the boys are being a bit deceptive, as we don't hear them cry very often when we visit (unless they're being bathed), but I guess the night nurses have their hands full as the boys like to get rowdy once the sun goes down. All pictures of Zefram today for some reason... will have to take more pictures tomorrow.

Mary bathing Zefram

Mary bathing Zefram

Zefram giving a sly wink to all the girl babies out there

Me trying to figure out how to burp Zefram

Day Five

Today the boys were moved from their isolettes into cots, because they're keeping their own temperature. We talked to the nurse about what needed to happen before the boys could come home, and she estimated it would be about another 2 weeks, assuming things keep going the way they have been. Liam will need another heart echo in 4 weeks, and we're still waiting to speak to someone in detail about his current condition. We watched Liam have a bath today (he's not a huge fan), and Mary changed Zefram's diaper. As you can see, they're wearing clothes now. :)

Liam being held by Tante Barb

Liam practicing some opera

Zefram taking it all in (he was quietly looking around for 15 minutes)

Liam thoroughly not enjoying his bath

Tante Cindy and Tante Barb with the boys

Auntie Marlene with the boys

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Day Four

The boys turned 3-days-old today. Liam is now also off his IV, as tests for something-or-other came back negative, eliminating the need for antibiotics. We had both of the boys out and in our arms for quite a while today; at least an hour in total. They're continuing to do great and are growing nicely; Liam is now up to 4 lbs, 11 oz (up 6 oz from birth), and Zefram up slightly to 5 lbs, 11 oz (up 1 oz). Tomorrow I would like to get a clear idea of when the twins will be able to come home, and what that will be contingent upon. Both are a bit jaundiced, but they're breathing, feeding, and growing well.


Auntie Marlene with... well I'm not sure actually (it was bound to happen sooner or later)
Edit: Mary says it's Zefram, but my money was on Liam. Who knows.

Mary and I holding the twins (I have a sore throat, so I'm wearing a mask... possibly inside-out)

The twins reacquaint themselves with one another

Grandma and the twins

Mary and the twins

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Day Three

We found out today that Mary was approved to go home, only 48 hours after giving birth. We had previously been told she would be there for 3-5 days, so that came as a surprise. Even more surprising was that we were told that the twins were ready to be moved as well. Zefram is now off his IV, and both twins are eating (well, digesting) their food without problems. We're still waiting to talk with the cardiologist, but the boys' doctor told us that the echo pretty much confirmed what the previous ultrasound indicated; that he has a small hole in his heart. Hopefully we'll get ahold of the cardiologist tomorrow, but so far Liam is doing great, so you wouldn't think anything was amiss. The twins are now at St. Joseph's in Hamilton, and we're still not exactly sure when they'll be coming home.

Camera batteries died suddenly, so just one pic today, of Mary and Zefram.

Day Two

Today, Mary and the boys are all feeling much better. Liam and Zefram are off their respirators and breathing fine on their own, and Mary was walking around a bit and got to go down and see them. We were both thrilled to actually get to hold them when we visited them in the morning. Both boys managed to open their eyes for us... that was very cool (no pictures of this unfortunately). Liam has an echo for his heart coming up, hopefully tomorrow (technically today, May 1st), as there was some concern from a while back that he may have a small hole in it. The pediatric cardiologist said that if there is a small hole, it will likely fix itself. Liam seems to be doing just fine, so we're not too worried, but we'll have more info shortly.



Matt with Liam

Mary with Zefram