Friday, May 4, 2007

Day Six

We got a bit more into "regular" things today; we changed diapers and fed and bathed the boys. It's nice that we've gone from looking at them behind plexiglass with tubes in their noses to being able to pick them up out of their cots and feed and walk around and sit with them in less than a week. It's hard to believe they'll need another 2-or-so weeks before they can come home, but we'll see what happens. Apparently the boys are being a bit deceptive, as we don't hear them cry very often when we visit (unless they're being bathed), but I guess the night nurses have their hands full as the boys like to get rowdy once the sun goes down. All pictures of Zefram today for some reason... will have to take more pictures tomorrow.

Mary bathing Zefram

Mary bathing Zefram

Zefram giving a sly wink to all the girl babies out there

Me trying to figure out how to burp Zefram

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats cute, Zefram winking.... And Matty trying to burp him. You guys are so cute with them.

Love you all
Auntie Meg