Saturday, May 5, 2007

Week One

Today was the boys' 7th day of freedom from their amniotic prison! They continue to hit milestones every day; today they were moved to a less-critical area of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. We were told that their "next" step was to pass the car seat test (to ensure they can breathe fine in a car seat for 90 minutes straight), but there are other milestones that must still be met (growing by a certain amount each day being a big one). Hopefully tomorrow we'll think to get an update on their weights. Below the 3 pictures are 2 videos of each of the boys "grunting"... they do this fairly often when they're relaxing.

Zefram and Liam side-by-side (picture from Barb and Cindy)



Video of Zefram "grunting"

Video of Liam "grunting"


Anonymous said...

Thank you that was soo funny. Sooo sweet they are!!
See you later

Love you
Auntie Mar

Anonymous said...

That is so cute, and funny. They look like they are doing a lot better, and growing each day which is good.

Love ya
Auntie Meg

Anonymous said...

more like amniotic heaven....