Liam's almost up to 6 lbs now; Zefram nearly 8 lbs. Liam is doing better little-by-little, and he's tolerating full feeds now; the bowel issue seems to be gone. We had a meeting with his doctors last week, and while they can't give us a date for when Liam can come home, they said he's making progress. The current goal is for his weight to increase as fast as it ought to, as weight is an important factor relating to when he can have surgery, and how risky it will be.
Zefram's being a bit of a handful lately, as he's been colicky for the past few days... very restless and cries seemingly at random. Hopefully we'll have more pictures of Liam soon, but for now, here's some of Zefram.
He is so cute...... adorable. I can't wait to see him and hold him.... and Liam
Look at those chubbychunk cheeks!!!!
Lots of Love Tante Barb and Tante Cindy
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