I had a meeting with Liam's doctor today to discuss his current status. This time, it actually sounds pretty likely (to me) that Liam will be home before the end of the month. Mary's skeptical, and I can't blame her, but he's been doing better lately. He won't require the expensive machine we were facing having to buy/rent, but will come home with oxygen, just in case he needs it.
Some camping pics!
And some other pics of Liam and Zef.
Aww they r all so cute... I can't wait to see you guys on Saturday, and I can finally hug and kiss my nephew
love u guys
They are so cute. Good for you going camping with Z. We had fun camping with Lael when she was little and then with Lael and Aria last summer. We aren't trying it this summer with the three, but next summer will be Jungle Camp at New Tribes and we'll be roughing it for a month with all three for sure! :) Fun stuff.
So glad to hear Liam is doing better. I'll pray for strength and patience for you guys.
Heya sorry to hear about Liam, I went to school with Matt in 99/2000. Its hard having a child in the nicu, our little boy is three weeks old and was in the nicu for 5 days in edmonton,they were amazing there. It must be really hard for you to be away from him. It was hard for me being there for the short time Abram was there and i can't imagine being so far away from one of my children I'll keep Liam and your family in my prayers. congrats on your boys they are gorgeous. Wishing you the best, God Bless
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