Liam's first 24 hours home have been really rough, as he has a cold that continues to worsen. He's been cranky and crying all day as it still hurts his chest to cough, and it's obvious that his throat is really sore (but cough medicine isn't a safe option, so it's just acetaminophen). Tonight after I fed him, he was coughing so much that he threw up on my shoulder, and was choking on his vomit briefly (I laid him sideways on the floor which thankfully worked, but Mary was a bit freaked out).
Since putting him to bed a few hours ago, he's been waking up every half hour or so crying, so I expect tonight to be another restless night for everyone (except Zef, who tends to sleep through it all).
Liam's tolerating his diet formula (Portagen), but he isn't fond of it... fortunately, he's drinking the minimum amount so far. The last thing we need is for him to get dehydrated; we'd just as well prefer to avoid another hospital visit for a while.
Here are a few pictures from today:

Zefram fighting for his very survival (he won... barely)

Z's happy to be home

One of the very few moments where Liam was happy today

Liam not feeling so hot