Monday, December 3, 2007

How we long to be home

Just getting back from the hospital and spending sometime with Zefram, Matt is there with Liam till about 7-7:30. Liam only drained 7mls from his JP drain which is good new since yesterday it was 20 in a 24 hour period. Mind you he still has 8 hours till they drain it again but it's still a big improvement. Liam had a gassy not so happy day. But seemed really happy in the stroller and boy are my feet sore. The 7 hours that I was there, most of those were spent on my feet just to keep Liam happy. So I am glad to be sitting while Zefram is napping.

One of the funniest things about being at the hospital is how many "girlfriends" that Liam has. So many nurses will stop by our room just to say "hi" to Liam and off they go to there patient. So funny. Lot of the nurses are really great and you just want to take them home with you.

But we do long to go home and 3 weeks of hospital life is getting to us. It's expensive and tiring and draining and boring. There is only so much you can do with your child in his little hospital room. Can't take him down to the main floor since he has the JP draining tube in so it gets boring fast. If I only remembered to pack my Christmas cards, but I didn't I expect to be here this long. Hmm maybe I should take up knitting again or cross stitching. But Liam is doing great just waiting to go home and asking God for strength to carry on day in and day out.

Well we ask that you keep praying for Liam and that his draining will continue to decrease and we can all go home before my birthday on the 9th.

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