Tuesday, January 15, 2008


There really isn't anything exciting to post about here. Nothing going on. Boys are teething and very cranky. Liam can return to normal formula on Thursday. Which is very exciting for us and I'm sure for Liam too. That portagan is nasty stuff. But other then going a little mental myself (Matt to) life is pretty good. Now for the cute pics you are waiting for. HA can't blame you!

1 comment:

Christyne (aka Apple Blossom) said...

OH! I could just SQUISH those boys of yours...miss them SO much...and YOU too!

Choices made are personal stuff...can't be shared...but it's a GOOD thing!

Thanks for the congrats on the weight loss...I will have to send you a pic in about another ten pounds of the "new" me - LOL!

Love you~