Man oh man a month has passed since I last updated. The boys are crawling like crazy now. Even showing signs of walking in the next month or 2. Crazy kids I have. They've been good lately. Eating lots, draining our bank account. Smiling laughing and "talking" (NO real words yet but that's ok, I'm not ready for them to start talking). So now they are 11 months old and have met every milestone and doing what they are suppose to be doing. Liam was lagging behind a little bi t because of his heart surgery, but he crawls around so much you would never have guessed he had open heart surgery almost 5 months ago. WOW 5 months already. I was warned that they would grow up fast and they have.
Their 1st Birthday is April 29. So maybe then I'll write about their birth and remember WHY I don't want more kids right now. It feels good that I don't have the baby fever right now and I'm really starting to enjoy these crazy kids. The boys really love the cat and chase after her. Calli gets so scared that she doesn't know where to go because she is bombarded with 2 crawling babies. They also really love Ruby. I have video of Zefram laughing at Ruby, but I'll have to post that another time since it's not here but at my parents'.
Well that's all for now I'll try and update more. Anywho were are some pictures of the boys.

oh - poor Calli! Always makes me smile to see the boys, give kisses from tante Cindy.
Wow they r growing fast.... I can't beleive they will be one this month. CRAZY
Love you guys and Miss you lots
Auntie Meg
ok guys now its time to update this blog. They are 14 months old and nothing since they were 11 months. lol
It's August woman! Time for an update!
mary! i didn't know you guys had a blog. i'm going to link to it on ours!
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