Liam may be coming home in 1-2 weeks. We've heard that before, but Liam's doctor has figured out that his spells, where his blood oxygen drops dangerously low, seem to not be related to his heart. Most likely, the problem is sleep apnea or a similar disorder. This is actually good news, as it means his heart isn't causing these spells; in fact, Liam's heart rate is excellent despite his Tetralogy of Fallot.
This past week, Liam and Zefram got to meet for the first time in about a month. Liam slept right through it, and Zef was too busy fussing to care, but it was still pretty cool. Liam has been awake for our last few visits, and so we've been able to see his eyes, again for the first time in about a month (he's always sleeping when we visit, and we don't want to wake him).
I just called the NICU, and Liam's weight is up to 7 lbs! I did a rough weighing of Zefram today, and he's around 10 lbs. Woohoo!
Zefram's still quite fussy, but things could definitely be worse. He's smiling more often, which is an incredible thrill. I'll upload a video of him shortly (and by shortly, I mean before his third birthday).
Zef being propped up
Wow good to hear that Liam is 7 lbs. Keep going baby so you can have your surgery and all this is behind us. Such cute pictures.
I know Matt called last night and I couldn't believe how much he's gained. oh gtg Zefram is sick of his animals and wants out of his crib.
Yay good to hear that he is doing well and his weight is up, and can go home soon.. So I can come up snd see my nephews....
hope to see ya soon
so good to see these happy family pictures.
i got a good laugh out of the hungry shirt... and the picture of matt and the little one on the couch! HAHA
matt's looking down at him and the baby is looking up and it was just priceless...
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