I was a bit worried that Liam might get ahold of his IV tubing and rip it out last night, a concern that I shared with his nurse yesterday. She told me it was pretty secure, and much to my surprise, he got through the night without ripping it out.
But he changed his mind this morning, and sure enough, he ripped it out. Luckily, Mary was there with a few minutes later, and found him crying and bleeding. So yeah, we're both pretty damned pissed off about that, and we let them know it. If he manages to rip it out again, I'll seriously consider having him transfered to another hospital. This is actually the second IV he's ripped out... a few hours after his heart surgery, when I thought he was supposed to be sedated, he ripped out his leg IV and his breathing tube (it was again fortunate that I was there, as none of the nurses in the room noticed, and I had to run over to one to get their attention).
To be honest, we've both been really disappointed with much of Liam's care at Sick Kids. Some of the nurses have bordered on being negligent, and we've had to complain several times; I'm sure we'll have to complain several more. I was expecting a lot more from such a highly-esteemed hospital. Some of the nurses have been outstanding, but it's clear that the shortage of nurses is having a serious effect on the care provided in Ontario. It's nice to not have to pay for medical care in Canada, but it's a shame that the care is sometimes complete shit.
Anyways, so Liam has a new IV in him and is doing fairly well all things considered. We don't have any new pictures, as he looks pretty much the same from the most recent pictures, except that his wound continues to heal nicely. Grandma and Grandpa Gerryts are coming to visit tomorrow, so the four of us are looking forward to that.