Liam had another great night last night, but when I went to see him this morning, he was cranky and irritable. Mainly because the draining tubes are uncomfortable and he was hungry but couldn't eat because he was going for a heart echo. So after I had calmed him down and he was given his meds he was feeling pretty good; so good that I got 3 smiles out of him and he was just staring at me for 5 mins it made me cry. Out of sheer joy because he looks like my little lee lee again with a zipper down the front of his chest. But speaking of his heart echo, they're slightly concerned about two things they saw that Liam's pediatric cardiologist in Hamilton will have to keep an eye on. Something to do with a narrowing in the pulmonary valve and back flow from a valve. It's possible but uncertain that either problem could require another surgery somewhere down the road. So we ask that you continue to pray for Liam and his heart and his cardiologist in Hamilton. But before all that His nurse and I wheeled him down in his crib to where he had his heart echo, and he was very happy and content, looking at me and the nice sun shinning through the 4th floor. We went over a few bumps and he didn't like that so much, and he tried yawning and I could see that it hurt him, but he's a trooper.
They took out the central IV line in his neck. He does have a rash from the tape and pretty bad one but the air will dry that out, and he still has one draining tube in him which is still draining quite a bit of fluid. I asked his nurse if they were concerned about it and she the Dr's aren't, since it is still a good color and it's good that it is draining. So pray that, it clears up soon so he can return home. But it is all God's timing and his timing is PERFECT. But here are some pics of Liam 3 days after his surgery.
YAY I am glad Liam is finally getting better. My lil man is as good as new. I hope everything keeps goin well
Love you guys
Hi Matt and Mary!
Great to see that things are going so well - we will, of course, keep praying for our little Liam. Wish we could be there!! looks like the incision is healing really fast too - kids are so much stronger than us adults hey!? How is Zefram taking all of this, do you think he misses Liam at all?
Thanks Cindy! Yeah, his incision looks better each day. They had him in a sleeper today, and aside from the bandage on his neck from one of his many IVs, he looked like himself for the most part. I'm still waiting to see a smile, but apparently he gave a quick smile to Zefram when he finally got to see him this morning. Zef seemed more interested in the toys on his bed though, so I don't really think he notices that Liam isn't around at the moment. I'm sure Mary will update the blog with more info this evening with some more photos. Anyhoo, apparently I'm on poopy diaper duty (hehe, I said duty) right now, so I'll talk to you later.
- Matt
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