We cannot believe how great Liam is doing. It went from being in the CCU to not even 24 hours later to the 4th floor and now 48 hours later he is going to his own room. He is doing so well it's almost kind of scary. I spent most of the afternoon with Liam today and feed him his bottles and tried to burp him and hold him but he cried from so much pain and being uncomfortable that I got scared and nervous. So we just put him back in his bed and I fed him his bottle there and the nurse burped him but i have to leave the room b/c his cry breaks my heart. I've seen him cry to many time b/c of pain that I cannot handle that right now. I feel so bad for my little lee lee. I really miss him being awake and alert and himself. I keep praying for strength and it's granted everyday. But Liam is doing very well and I am so very thankful for that. So now that he gets his own room we can bring Zefram in and we can have as many ppl as we want as long as we aren't too loud and don't get in the way of the nurse that needs to come in and give him his med's and so forth and such. But we still need your prayers and support Liam still has quit a few more days of recovery and we need to get use to him again and learn him all over again. But here are some pics of Liam today. He is really starting to look like himself again. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!

1 comment:
He looks amazing!!! Wow what a great recovery your little man is having!! Way to go Liam!
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