Monday, December 3, 2007

Getting Closer

Liam's drainage has continued to slowly go down, and the day before yesterday was pretty close to the goal. Yesterday however, it went back up a bit, but it's not too crazy to hope it might be down so that he can go home sometime this week. Today marks 3 weeks in Toronto; it would be nice to be home before we reach an entire month.

We continue to be unhappy with a few aspects of his care, unfortunately. He's been getting lots of nurses from different units, as they're constantly understaffed (and he's a relatively easy patient). That wouldn't be a problem, except these nurses seem to receive no briefing on the cardiac ward whatsoever... asking my wife where they're supposed to enter data, lifting Liam under his arms, etc. We're going to request that he no longer be cared for by nurses from other units until they're properly briefed on at least the basics of the ward (as several other parents have, equally unhappy with the situation).

1 comment:

Cindy B said...

what a long road for you guys, let's hope Mary gets a real special birthday this be at home with the whole family. Man, Welland is going to seem so quiet for you - how nice! Can't wait to see you all again soon...we will say a little prayer for Liam to come home!
tante Cindy